

发布日期:2024-12-31 信息来源:经管LETOU.COM,乐投(中国) 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

【文章摘要】Employing merged Chinese listed firm data, Chinese custom data, and the prefecture-level clan culture data, we find a clear pattern that chairpersons who originate from a prefecture-level city with a stronger clan culture lead firms to engage in less international trade. This finding is robust to a variety of checks including using the shortest distance from the chairperson’s prefecture of origin to the nearest historical Neo-Confucian Academy and the number of southward-migrating clans during the Jianyan Reign (1127–1130) in the origin prefecture as instruments. The patterns in the data highlight the importance of cultural origin in shaping individuals’ attitudes towards international trade.


【关键词】International trade;Informal institutions;Experience effects;Preference heterogeneity;Clan culture

【文章作者】Haichao Fan , Xingcun Hu , Faqin Lin , Mengxun Liu 

【发表期刊】Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 229 (2025) 106871

